Ubuntu 11.04 days to go

Monday, December 6, 2010

Real 3D anaglyph in Linux with compiz plug-in

Stuff required:
1.Red-blue 3D glasses
2.Compiz-anaglyph plug-in Download

Follow these steps:

$ sudo apt-get install compiz-fusion-bcop compiz-dev compizconfig-settings-manager build-essential libtool libglu1-mesa-dev libxss-dev libcairo2-dev libpango1.0-dev git-core

#copy the plug-in downloaded to your home folder and then
$ tar -xvzf Anaglyph_by_11e097.gz

$ cd anaglyph/

$ make && make install

Open Compizconfig Settings Manager, look for Anaglyph plugin and check the box
Use F12 to make it work.

Enjoy the 3Ding!!!!!


  1. After "make && make install" i get this error

    compiling : anaglyph_options.c -> build/anaglyph_options.loanaglyph_options.c:16:25: fatal error: compiz-core.h: No such file or directory

  2. Same error as above. been trying a million things to get this to work. Do you think perhaps it is the version of Compiz. I am currently using I'm thinking I need to remove and install (latet stable) - just a pain though.

  3. Just FYI, there's a 64-bit deb out there on gnome-look.org that includes this plugin and many others, in case you're having a hard time compiling the plugin from source by itself (which I was). Just search gnome-look.org for "Compiz Experimental Plugins U/D 3-18-12"
